The Jewish Journal Has Passed Its Quota On ‘Silencing The Left’ Cover Stories

This week it is crafted thus: "The L.A. Battle For Israel’s Survival. Hawks seize the limelight as the Doves fight to be heard."

On Sept. 27, 2002, it read: "The Silencing of the Left? How the quest for a united front may quash the debate on Israel."

Maybe the only thing silencing the Left in Jewish life is reality? The Left doesn’t like the facts of life. One fact of life is that Israel is a beautiful country surrounded barbaric countries. Another fact of life is that Jews who observe Judaism tend not to be liberal and tend to have a much higher quality of life than everyone else. They have more solid marriages, less drug and alcohol abuse, less violent crime and child delinquency, more education and are more charitable with one another.

The less rooted people are, the fewer bonds they have with others, the more likely they are to vote Democract. Republicans tend to be married, to have kids, to go to church or synagogue regularly. The success of the Democractic party depends on destroying marriages and community (because voters for the Democrats are far less likely to be married, to belong to close-knit religious communities, etc). Women who don’t have husbands for Democrats so the state can be their proxy husband and keep them safe.

When Rob Eshman’s paper complains that the Left has "fight to be heard," what he really means is that he often has to fight to be heard and he gets tired and wonders if it is all worth it.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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