Monthly Archives: January 2008

XXX-Communicated Shunned Again

Here’s the press release from Ari Goldman‘s wife Shira Dicker: New York, NY. January 9, 2008 – With winners in twenty categories hailing from six countries this year, the 57th Annual National Jewish Book Awards takes on an international flavor. … Continue reading

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The Power Of A Public Declaration

I was thinking about sneaking back to porn this weekend to earn a quick quid interviewing a few hookers in Vegas but just as I was sighing with relief and counting the money and the handjobs, I remembered my public … Continue reading

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Nick Hornby Is Back

I thought Nick Hornby was losing his touch with "When She Was Good," but in his latest novel, "On The Way Down," Hornby’s once again hilarious. Hornby has a blog. He writes Nov. 20, 2007: On my recent book tour … Continue reading

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Screw The Jews In Cuba!

I ask a friend what’s new. He says he may visit his girlfriend in Cuba in a few weeks. "Then [I] will turn to one of my abandoned manuscripts, either Jews in Cuba or Internet Dating." I say, Screw the … Continue reading

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SanJoseCondos.Blogspot.Com Will Be My Salvation

You snooze, you lose. I am now the proud owner of this valuable domain. "San Jose Condos" has a KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index) of 4,337.3 though only a top bid of $4.31 on Google Adsense. There were 1,800 searches for … Continue reading

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