Tag Archives: few days

Emmanuelle Richard’s Eight Months Preggers

They just spent ten days in LA, leaving this morning. Matt is much in demand for his recent book on John McCain. From my live cam chat: YourMoralLeader:  how is the LA Times treating you? tonypierce:  better than they should … Continue reading

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American Apparel Sued For Woody Allen Hasidic Rabbi Ad

Brad A. Greenberg writes: Remember der heyliker rebe, Woody Allen, whose mug from "Annie Hall" was seen on this American Apparel billboard in Echo Park only to disappear a few days later? Well, today Allen filed a $10-million suit against … Continue reading

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Three Jews Struck By A Car In Pico/Robertson Friday Night Walking Home From Shabbat Dinner

Scott Shafrin (Hebrew school teacher) and Lizzie Pollack were not seriously injured. Rabbinic intern Elan Babchuck suffered a broken leg, separated shoulder, numerous lacerations and other injuries. He’ll be in the hospital for a few days. If anyone wants his … Continue reading

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I’m Resigning As Your Moral Leader

In the past few days I have begun to atone for my private failings with my friends and my religious community. The remorse I feel will always be with me. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the love … Continue reading

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PrimeGrill bites the dust? Mamash next?

Rumors are circulating that PrimeGrill has been sold to a non-Jewish group and it’s days as a Kosher restaurant are over. Stand by for further information and confirmation over the next few days. Is Mamash next? Jane IMs: "I was … Continue reading

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