Daily Archives: October 26, 2012

I Didn’t Enter School Until 2nd Grade

I got some kindergarten in England around age five and I might’ve learned to read then. In late 1972, my family returned to

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Lena Dunham Video For Barack Obama

Dennis Prager calls the Lena Dunham video “unbelievably reprehensible” and “grotesque” and “a new low. That’s part of the Left. Everything that elevates the human is denigrated by Leftism.” Nov 1, 1980: On Thursday night, at a working class bar … Continue reading

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Has My Blog Become Irrelevant?

A friend told me the other day, “Your blog is in danger of becoming irrelevant.” I told him, “My blog became irrelevant many years ago. I only blog when I feel like it and only about what moves me in … Continue reading

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My Objections To 12-Step Programs

I never held with 12-step programs. Sure, I was glad that they worked for some people, but I didn’t take them seriously. I didn’t respect them. Why not? Chiefly because of the First Step where participants admitted that they were … Continue reading

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