Daily Archives: October 2, 2012

New Yorkers, San Franciscans Love To Rip LA

When New Yorkers move to LA, they love to criticize LA, its drivers, its fake manners, its lack of a center, etc. I suspect that when Los Angelenos move to New York or anywhere, they’re much less likely to complain … Continue reading

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Stop Living Through Your Favorite Sports Teams, Politicians

I love sports, but if you get upset about how your favorite team performs, it’s a signal that something is badly lacking in your life. You probably walk around with a ton of resentments and fears and a lack of … Continue reading

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Do Husbands Appreciate Their Wives More Than Wives Appreciate Their Husbands?

I heard a sermon over Succot about the need for us to appreciate the hard work that goes into preparing and hosting meals on Jewish holidays. I only remember once on a Shabbat or Jewish holiday, the man of the … Continue reading

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I Lost A Facebook Friend

I was relieved to discover over Succot that when a friend drops me as a Facebook friend, it doesn’t mean he necessarily cuts me off in real life. He did say in the succah something about the over the top … Continue reading

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The Mother Theresa Of Nookie

A friend broke out of a long slump and finally had a naughty. He tells me that the girl was nice. “Nice?” I say, getting indignant. “Nice? That’s a bit of an understatement, isn’t it? That kind of selflessness? I’d … Continue reading

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