Daily Archives: October 15, 2012

Jewish Pre-Shabbos Haste Causing Car Accidents

S. emails: “I live on Whitworth between Beverly drive and Robertson and every week we have 4 to 5 car accidents on this Stretch. I sometimes worry on Shabbat when kids and families crossing the intersections without the stop signs. … Continue reading

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Embrace Your Feelings Like A Frenchman

A friend emails: I used to cringe when my shrink urged me to embrace my feelings. No way, I said, that’s so…American. So Oprah! He responded: Embrace your feelings as if you were French, then. Suddenly it all made sense. … Continue reading

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Abort For Convenience?

No religion in the world permits abortion for convenience. I remember when I became seriously religious as an adult. I converted to Judaism in 1993. I got a girlfriend. I compromised on my religion quickly as we started messing around. … Continue reading

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Sarah Silverman’s Dad Mounts A Nasty Defense

Rabbi Yaakov Rosenblatt writes in the Jewish Press: “You have made a career making public that which is private, making crude that which is intimate, making sensual that which is spiritual. You have experienced what traditional Judaism taught long ago: … Continue reading

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