Daily Archives: October 27, 2012

My Female Options Have Narrowed

So I’ll meet women and I’ll think, this one has the personality, and this one has the looks and this one has the brains. Why can’t one woman have it all? And if she did, would she want me too? … Continue reading

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Moral Instructions Aren’t Enough

When I started listening to Dennis Prager on KABC radio in 1988, I quickly came to see Judaism as a step-by-step system for making a better world. In late 1989, I decided to convert. I thought that by observing the … Continue reading

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Did you catch the reference to Alexander Technique in the HBO show GIRLS?

The lead (Lena Dunham) says her gay ex-boyfriend Elijah is “getting certified in Alexander Technique, which is the gayest thing I’ve heard in my entire life.”

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