Monthly Archives: November 2012

Failed Messiah Reverses His Circumsicion

On his Failed Messiah blog, Shmarya comments: I had my circumcision surgically reversed not too long ago, but the jury is still out about whether it makes any real difference sexually for me or for my girlfriends. I’m noticing a … Continue reading

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Spirituality Vs Religion

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, I haven’t completely gotten through your synopsis for your one act play. I looked at part of your story-telling revelation youtube, and of course many of these issues are subjects you have addressed often over … Continue reading

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Notes For My One-Man Play

WHAT IS THE FIRST IMAGE PEOPLE SEE IN A POSTER OF MY STORY? Headline: “Eroticized Rage: One Man’s Struggle With Sex Addiction” And pair that provocative headline with the most happy tranquil innocent photo of my present self. WHAT DO … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: ‘What painful criticism did you hear early in life that changed you for the good?’

I remember after I twice told my seventh-grade teacher to shut up, she suggested I might be happier getting home-schooled. I then shaped up and stayed in school and was never in danger of getting booted from school, though I … Continue reading

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Happiness For Palestinians

On his radio show yesterday, Dennis Prager said: “”Happiness for Palestinians is a dead Jew. Not a new company. Not a graduation of doctors… A dead Jew, particularly a dead Israeli Jew, is the best news. A paralyzed Israeli Jewish … Continue reading

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