Monthly Archives: October 2012

Is it true that Persian girl don’t give IOIs (Indicators of Interest)?

My friend keeps pushing me to ask out various women I find attractive. “But she didn’t give me any IOIs,” I wail. “There’s no point.” “What’s an IOI?” he asks. “Indicator of Interest like asking unnecessary questions, touching you unnecessarily, … Continue reading

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So what did I learn by directing a movie?

That it was not for me. It was a bridge too far. I was constitutionally not cut out for such work. I had no artistic skills and no business skills. I was not a leader of men. I was not … Continue reading

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Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door

The scene is a Stu and Lew Jewish singles dance in the mid-90s. Hundreds of young Jews at the Century Club in Century City are eager to connect, to make Jewish babies, to never forget the Holocaust. Every generation the … Continue reading

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Is Arco Gasoline Bad For You?

I was talking to somebody who owned a Chevron station. I’ve noticed that Chevron gas prices are more expensive than Arco stations. Why? He said that Arco gas was bad for your engine. I Googled the question and found this: … Continue reading

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The Revival Of Young Israel Of North Beverly Hills

Y. emails: I miss your pieces about local synagogues. The emergence of Young Israel of North Beverly Hills as a major player among local shuls is very exciting. They hired Beth Jacob’s world-class cantor (Netanel Baram), and have had Beth … Continue reading

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