Daily Archives: August 7, 2012

What are the ten stupidest things that Orthodox Jews, particularly rabbis, believe?

I want to make a list (while staying within the daled amot aka orthodox Judaism): * That the Chofetz Chaim embodies Judaism’s teachings about proper speech (he used mussar, frequently extreme, and aggadata and turned it into halacha). If you … Continue reading

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Tales From Jewish Dating Hell

Dating is the one thing you get worse at the more you do of it. I came to Los Angeles at age 27. I went to 20-something evenings at Aish Ha Torah. Then I started going to 30-somethings. What a … Continue reading

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Never Married Orthodox Jew – You’ve Got An Intimacy Disorder

If you’re an Orthodox Jew and you’re not married by age 28, barring some hideous deformity, you are 98% likely to have an intimacy disorder (usually expressed in men through porn addiction and in women through the acquisition of pets).

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The Case Against Masturbation

More than two months ago, I gave up masturbation. (About 16 years ago, I gave up promiscuity and about two years ago, I gave up porn and any kind of visual aid to masturbation.) In 1990-1991, I gave it up … Continue reading

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In My Father’s Footsteps

My boss came to my shabbos lunch talk. He said he could see my dad Desmond. He said he could see my father’s example coming out in my strut as i walked back and forth making my points… He said … Continue reading

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