Daily Archives: August 31, 2012

Religion Vs Sports

In his speech last night to the RNC, Mitt Romney said: “We were Mormons and growing up in Michigan; that might have seemed unusual or out of place but I really don’t remember it that way. My friends cared more … Continue reading

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Mia Love Vs Maxine Waters

On his radio show this week, Dennis Prager said that if you want to know the difference between Republicans and Democrats, contrast Mia Love (or Condi Rice or Artur Davis) with Maxine Waters. Mia Love is a positive happy woman. … Continue reading

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Is Our America White America?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager did not say anything about Clint Eastwood’s performance last night at the RNC. A caller said: “I was talking to some African-American co-workers and they said the speech by Clint Eastwood about ‘our … Continue reading

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What Was The Dominant Idea At The Republican Convention?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “The dominant idea at the Republican convention was self-reliance. All the stories were of people surmounting adversity and becoming a success. The Democrats have stories about people who are suffering and need … Continue reading

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Are There Such Stories About Barack Obama?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “The most important part of the evening [at the Republican convention] for those there was the fuller picture of Mitt Romney. I was moved by the testimonies to this man’s character.” From … Continue reading

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