Daily Archives: August 26, 2012

What Makes It Easier Or Harder To Date Someone?

My first test for dating is my intuitive level of comfort with someone. When I’m comfortable, it’s easier for me to be honest, and for her to be honest, and everything just works easier that way. I usually feel quick … Continue reading

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Do Married People Speak Differently?

On his radio show, Dennis Prager will often ask a caller from out of nowhere, “Are you married?” And about 90% of the time, the caller will say no, and Dennis will say “I thought so.” Dennis says that married … Continue reading

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Jewish Masochism

I did not knowingly meet an identifying Jew until I arrived at UCLA at age 22 but I read a lot about Jews and much of it mystified me. In particular, why were so many things identified as Jewish that … Continue reading

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What Does It Mean To Follow God’s Will?

If God is God and created the universe, He is very different from me. So following His will means I can’t just do what I want. Following God’s will means that I have to pause before making a decision to … Continue reading

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Where’s The Cruelty?

A friend emails: I am sorry to hear that your plantar has taken so long to get rid of. I found that in addition to the physical therapy, that massaging the area and really working in magnesium oil, seemed to … Continue reading

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