Daily Archives: August 28, 2012

Meet Edon Pinchot, America’s Got Talent‘s Yarmulke-Wearing, Orthodox Jewish 14-Year-Old Singing Sensation.

Exclusive interview, photos and videos. Meet Edon Pinchot, America’s Got Talent‘s yarmulke-wearing, 14-year-old, singing sensation.

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Imagine – The Stupidest Song Ever?

I think Dennis Prager has called Imagine the stupidest song ever. Dennis writes: “Lennon’s utopia is our dystopia. A world without God to give people some certitude where all their suffering is not meaningless is a nightmare. A world without … Continue reading

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Working Through The Resentment

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been returning again and again to the Fourth of the Twelve Steps (“making a complete and fearless moral inventory”). A key part of this step is the resentment list. You write out the people … Continue reading

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