Daily Archives: August 3, 2012

The Survivor

In the last six months of 1996, I lived with a Holocaust survivor who had about 25 cats in the apartment. In exchange for looking after the cats, I only had to pay $200 a month rent. I thought he … Continue reading

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Spirituality Vs Religion

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, to some extent I think I understand the dilemma that you write about. In a way it reminds me a little of Rabbs feeling that he had to choose between Judaism or a medication regime … Continue reading

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A Man Could Pay Attention To His Wife’s Every Need

Allison Armstrong said on Dennis Prager’s radio show Wednesday that a husband could pay attention to his wife’s every need, but then he’d need to borrow money from her because he couldn’t make it in his job. Men’s minds focus … Continue reading

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