Monthly Archives: August 2012

Imagine – The Stupidest Song Ever?

I think Dennis Prager has called Imagine the stupidest song ever. Dennis writes: “Lennon’s utopia is our dystopia. A world without God to give people some certitude where all their suffering is not meaningless is a nightmare. A world without … Continue reading

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Working Through The Resentment

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been returning again and again to the Fourth of the Twelve Steps (“making a complete and fearless moral inventory”). A key part of this step is the resentment list. You write out the people … Continue reading

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Mormons vs Seventh-Day Adventists

Yesterday, I wrote about the great joy I felt hearing for the first time at age 12 the forbidden pop melody “Sing a Song” by the Carpenters. Pop music was a sin in my Adventist upbringing, in my home anyway. … Continue reading

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What Makes It Easier Or Harder To Date Someone?

My first test for dating is my intuitive level of comfort with someone. When I’m comfortable, it’s easier for me to be honest, and for her to be honest, and everything just works easier that way. I usually feel quick … Continue reading

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Do Married People Speak Differently?

On his radio show, Dennis Prager will often ask a caller from out of nowhere, “Are you married?” And about 90% of the time, the caller will say no, and Dennis will say “I thought so.” Dennis says that married … Continue reading

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