Monthly Archives: July 2012

Perhaps I’ll Smile And Nod More?

Since high school, I’ve found walking down the street a frequently uncomfortable situation when I see people I know walking towards me. Where am I supposed to look? Do I look in their eyes for 150 yards? I usually look … Continue reading

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Prager University: Jonah Goldberg on Ideology

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Professor Jules Lambert Zentner – My Best Friend During My Darkest Years

When I ran marathons in seventh grade, I would drive to them with a bachelor professor in his thirties. He may have been the first in my life-long string of substitute father figures. I’d usually meet him around 4 a.m. … Continue reading

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My First Love

Love first hit me in third grade. Debbie Hick was a girl in my class. She had red hair and freckles and was solidly built. She was smart and tough and funny. I loved her. I never told her that. … Continue reading

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What’s The Ideal Social Status And How Would I Know If I Had It?

I talk a lot about “social status” and people ask me what I mean. Social status is your place in the pecking order. When you walk into a room, do people seek you out or do they avoid you? Do … Continue reading

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