Monthly Archives: June 2012

Orthodox Jewish Definitions Of Modesty

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. Compared to other Christians, Adventists feel modest. By Muslim and Orthodox Jewish standards, however, they dress like hookers. Modest Adventist women feel little compunction about walking around in pants or shorts or knee-length dresses … Continue reading

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May Women Be Called To The Torah?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: R. Samuel Portaleone’s opinion that in theory it is permitted to give a woman an aliyah in a private synagogue. Without knowing of Portaleone’s view, R. Yehuda Herzl Henkin concluded that ”if done without fanfare, … Continue reading

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Does A Woman Singing The National Anthem Cause You Sexual Thoughts?

If not, I say it is permitted to listen. Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: My correspondent further wrote: “I wanted to let you know that the son of Rabbi _____ (former president of the RCA [name deleted by MS]) told … Continue reading

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Is It Better If Women Don’t Leave The House?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: For some, it is better if the women basically do not go out of the house at all at all. Such a position is held by R. Hayyim Rabbi, a mainstream Sephardic rabbi (who like … Continue reading

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Fashions For Hasidic Women

I spend a great deal of time, entirely too much time, thinking about women. Chabad women are usually dressed stylishly. They’re not afraid to wear high heels and clingy clothes and dramatic colors. Other Hasidic women are not as bold, … Continue reading

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