Daily Archives: July 6, 2012

Dennis Prager: This President Will Say Or Do Anything He Can Get Away With To Retain The Presidency

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: This president will say or do anything he can get away with to retain the presidency. I did not believe that about Bill Clinton. JOE EMAILS LUKE: Romney seems to be running … Continue reading

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First Major Divestment Victory; Dirty Dancing’s 25th Anniversary; Gilad Shalit Visits U.S.

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Step Three Of The Twelve Steps

I decide to turn my life and my will over to God. Step One Step Two Step Four This has been one of my blocks to taking 12-steps seriously. Turning your life over to God? That sounds Christian. Oy vey! … Continue reading

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Charles Manson At Starbucks

Wednesday afternoon, I’m waiting for the bathroom at the Starbucks on Pico and Robertson. A homeless guy walks in. He looks like Charles Manson. His gym bag, however, looks relatively neat and organized and I feel like starting up a … Continue reading

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