Daily Archives: July 4, 2012

A Down-To-Earth Rav

Most Orthodox rabbis like to keep their distance. They love their gravitas. “It’s for the honor of the Torah,” they think. I just heard from some people who chose Bnai David-Judea because its rav, Yosef Kanefsky, is unpretentious and approachable. … Continue reading

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What’s Chaste?

A few years ago, this girl had said to him late one drunken night, “What does ‘chaste’ mean?” Now she was hosting friends south of Cadillac in 90035 with her fiance. They were shomer-shabbat. As he headed south into a … Continue reading

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An open letter to the leader of Scientology, David Miscavige

Chaim Amalek writes: Dear David: An ex fantasy girlfriend of mine (meaning I knew her and desperately wanted her, but she did not want me) has been a Scientologist and actress in LA for about the last six years. If … Continue reading

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Should American Jews Celebrate The Fourth Of July?

A friend asks: “May a torah jew celebrate goyishe holidays like the fourth of July?” Why do we frum yidden need goyisha holidays? To even ask the question betrays a mindset so far from Torah. It’s like asking if a … Continue reading

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Defending The Male-Female Definition Of Marriage

On his radio show July 3, 2012, Dennis said: “I’m going to do an hour on David Blankenhorn. We choose the wrong people to defend the male-female definition of marriage. I don’t care if this sounds arrogant. I should’ve been … Continue reading

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