Daily Archives: March 7, 2012

Critiquing Youtube’s Most Viewed Posture Videos

I went to youtube.com and put in “posture” and found that none of the top videos mentioned Alexander Technique, the best way to develop good posture. Instead, I found these videos: Caroline Blackburn, an Olympic athlete, recommends tightening the abdomen … Continue reading

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The Power Of Negative Directions

Robert Rickover writes: Most of us create excess tension somewhere in our bodies. If you have a pretty good idea where you’re habitually tightening up – could be your shoulders, your chest, your pelvis, whatever – you can use it … Continue reading

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How To Read A Book Comfortably

Before I took Alexander lessons, I never thought about the way I read books. I never thought about my sitting mechanics. I never thought about the strain of holding a book up. Nuitsmani comments on one of my videos on … Continue reading

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