Monthly Archives: March 2012

Leaving The Present Moment To Focus On Achieving An End Result

Alexander teacher Hope Martin says: “The crux of what [F.M. Alexander] discovered was that trying to do a good job, working hard, end-gaining, always showed up in his system as tightening. And he had to stop that. He talked about … Continue reading

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You Don’t Have To Think About Posture

I’m watching these posture videos on Youtube and almost all of them tell people to think about their posture. While the Alexander Technique produces improved posture, it doesn’t talk about posture directly. It doesn’t want people thinking about their posture. … Continue reading

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Critiquing Youtube’s Top Yoga Videos

I went to and put in “yoga” in the search box and looked at what came up. Here’s the first video: The video introduces itself thus: “Eager to master the arm balance? Equinox’s Briohny Smyth shows there’s no limit … Continue reading

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Where Was The Bombshell In The Latest Andrew Breitbart Video?

Dennis Prager today: “ releases new footage of Barack Obama lovingly introducing the late Harvard Law Professor, Derrick Bell, one of the founders of Critical Race Theory, a legal theory that presupposes that American society is inherently racist. Why didn’t … Continue reading

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Standing Room Only at Beth Jacob Purim night

Anon emails: What an amazing comeback [for a shul that used to be known as Death Jacob]. So many 20somethings and 30somethings with their children. Beth Jacob attracts young people who are comfortable with their modernity and don’t need to … Continue reading

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