Daily Archives: February 24, 2012

The Opposite Of Grace And Good Use

Check out this diver. Her head is rotating back on to the spine, compressing her whole torso. Usually the performer with the freest neck and the least facial tension will do the best and get the highest scores.

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Reversing The Media Narrative

The news media have said for the past few weeks that Rick Santorum’s conservative views will alienate women. The facts on the ground say otherwise. The Washington Post reports: “…Santorum has grown more popular among women while talking about his … Continue reading

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Journalism Is Rarely Sexy

I’ve spent most of my adult life mixing with journalists and the number of objectively sexy female journalists I’ve met are few. When I talk to men in the profession, they tell me my experience is not rare. Female journalists … Continue reading

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Eyal Press Considers Courage in ‘Beautiful Souls’

Mark Oppenheimer writes in the New York Times about a new book: Paul Grüninger was a state police officer in St. Gallen, in northeast Switzerland, who voted conservative and sang in the church choir. He was not a worldly man, … Continue reading

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