Monthly Archives: February 2012

The Strain Of Repeated Precise Movements

One in ten dentists according to a 1997 survey have such severe pain from repetitive work movements that they seek the help of a physician and about half of these curtail their work because of such pain. I’m listening to … Continue reading

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Anyone But Romney

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Mitt Romney had to do one thing — sell himself to conservatives. Not the right-wing. Just mainstream conservatives. This is where I stand. “I believe Romney is conservative but he’s not been … Continue reading

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The Most Islamist States (Iran and Saudi Arabia) Were Never Colonized

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “This notion of let’s blame the British, the colonialists, for our condition. This is the reason we have millions of people supporting the idea that you slit throats in the name of … Continue reading

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Teach Yourself Alexander Technique

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Alexander Technique And A Cold Transformed My Voice

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