Monthly Archives: November 2011

Teaching Alexander Technique In Santa Monica

My new Alexander website.

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Parashat Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24)

Why doesn’t the rabbi touch his girlfriend? Is he a freak? No. He’s just an authentic Orthodox Jew. All Jews are expected by Jewish law to not touch the opposite sex (except for spouse and family). Most Orthodox Jews observe … Continue reading

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Are You Optimistic About America?

Dennis Prager writes: Commentary Magazine asked 41 Americans to respond to this question: “Are you optimistic or pessimistic about America’s future?” The responses, including my own, appear in the current issue of Commentary. As we were limited to 500 words, … Continue reading

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Luke Ford: 12-Step Programs for Sex Addiction

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Why Do We Give Inordinate Power To Sexual Sins?

Why do these sex harassment charges, if true, sink Herman Cain’s presidency? What if a candidate dishonored his parents? Or stole computer software? Why is that not a big deal but sex harassment a big deal? I think I know … Continue reading

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