Monthly Archives: November 2011

What If We Had A Predator In LA’s Orthodox Community?

You’ve heard about the “former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky, who was arrested over the weekend on more than 40 counts of child sexual abuse.” What if we had a Jerry Sandusky-type in LA’s Orthodox community? Could we have … Continue reading

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Are You Engaged In Highly Active Marital Activity?

I just got some “Healer’s Tea.” Seems like the thing to drink after delivering a hearty session of Alexander Technique. According to here: A formula used to quickly replenish spent Jing. This great formula replenishes Yin essence and body fluids. … Continue reading

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Jim Romenesko – Man Who Outed Plagiarists Outed As A Plagiarist

This story is not complicated. Jim Romenesko, the famed media blogger, has for some time been using other people’s words as his own without putting them in quotes and directly attributing them. This is plagiarism. Yet the media is rallying … Continue reading

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Hard Luck Stories

I just heard a caller to the Dennis Prager show complaining that he can’t afford the $600 a month for Kaiser health insurance so he has to go without. He said he worked about 20 hours a week as a … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique After Dark

My new Alexander website. I kick it with Joey Kurtzman.

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