Daily Archives: September 23, 2011

Jeroen Staring Should Be Essential Reading For All Alexander Technique Teachers

A practice student of mine says: The Jeroen Staring stuff seems like it should almost be compulsory Alexander Technique reading just because he does such an awesome entertaining study of the whole “physical culture” movement that F.M. Alexander emerged from, … Continue reading

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Barack Obama Is Not Anti-Israel

On his radio show, Dennis Prager said Barack Obama is not anti-Israel. “He is a man of the left. Everything the left claims to stand for should make them the most powerful advocates of Israel in the world but it … Continue reading

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Was Jesus The Savior?

On his radio show Sep. 23, 2011, Dennis Prager was asked if he had ever considered converting to Christianity. He replied: “From when I was in my early twenties and really began thinking about these issues, I did flirt with … Continue reading

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Leftists Sympathize With London Rioters, Rightists Condemn Rioters

So we had shocking riots in London last month with a vast amount of nihilistic violence, looting and destruction. On the left, comes sympathy for the rioters, most notably by the deputy prime minister of Britain, Nick Clegg: Clegg said … Continue reading

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VIDEO: Zuhdi Jasser on how to separate mosque and state in the Arab Spring

Stephen Steinlight emails: See video. This is the courageous man all Americans, especially Americans who are Jews, need to support in the battle against the Jihadists within the United States. The fact is the “problem” we confront is Islam, classic … Continue reading

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