Daily Archives: September 19, 2011

Selling Yourself To Make Money

I was telling my friends how I sold my beard to a family member for $444. This beautiful young woman responded, “I wish I had something I could sell to make money.” All the guys immediately cracked up because she … Continue reading

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My New-Found Sexual Sobriety

Helpful emails: Dear Luke, First of all, congratulations on your sexual sobriety. If you are going to make these sex addiction seminars a regular gig why not capitalize on the audience with some merchandise? No, not another boring book. I’m … Continue reading

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Beards And Divine Love

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, I think you look pretty good without the beard, although your expression does not look particularly pleased. In fact, I would say glum would be a better characterization. I’ve had 4 or 5 beards, and … Continue reading

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