Daily Archives: September 27, 2011

How To Save Money

Most people find it easier to cut spending rather than increase income. Over the past 17 years, I’ve maximized my personal freedom by cutting my expenses. I like doing what I want to do when I want to do it. … Continue reading

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Every Normative Muslim Group Has Come Out In Favor Of The Irvine 11

The Irvine 11 are students at U.C. Irvine who repeatedly interrupted a speech by the Israel ambassador on Feb. 8, 2010. He couldn’t speak until the protesters were removed. The Los Angeles Times reports: Ten Muslim students found guilty of … Continue reading

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Could Chris Christie Win The Republican Nomination?

Like most Republicans, I am not thrilled with our choices for president. Rick Perry is the most right-wing but he’s a lousy debater. I hope Chris Christie gets in, even though many of his positions are not conservative, as the … Continue reading

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God Don’t Want No Fatties!

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Morgan Freeman Free To Marry Step-Granddaughter

This guy may have outdone Woody Allen in the ick department! Report: According to the Enquirer, Freeman cheated on his now ex-wife with a number of women—E’Dina being one of them—and Freeman and E’Dina’s affair began when when she was … Continue reading

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