Monthly Archives: September 2011

My Blog Loads Too Slowly

I have a question for you. My website loads slowly. In particular, IE browsers pop up with this: “A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly” Do you have any suggestions? I think the problem … Continue reading

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Breaking Down The GOP Field

Joe emails: This is how it breaks down. The GOP right now is a pissed off party that somehow it let Obama become President. There is no establishment to cool it off. Of the field, the following can get the … Continue reading

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Which Presidents Had The Best Use Of Themselves?

In this discussion with Eileen Troberman, Alexander Technique teacher Robert Rickover (the son of the founder of the nuclear navy) names Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama as two presidents with the best use of themselves. “We can find a really … Continue reading

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When You Feel Like You Must Get Something Done Right Away, What Does That Do To Your Physiology?

Most people respond to thinking they must accomplish a task quickly by shortening their stature, tensing and compressing their necks, taking shallower breaths, their heart racing, anxiety flying, and overall going into a version of the fight or flight reflex. … Continue reading

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Men Tend To Have Wide Networks Of Shallow Relationships

This is one of the reasons men tend to have more influence on the wider world — this wider network of shallow relationships. This makes for success in business, academia, culture, sports, and the like. Women tend to have smaller … Continue reading

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