Monthly Archives: August 2011

Stealing You Blind: How Government Fat Cats Are Getting Rich Off of You

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager talks to Iain Murray, Vice President of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. His new book is Stealing You Blind: How Government Fat Cats Are Getting Rich Off of You. Dennis: “What would happen to … Continue reading

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Tight Muscles Don’t Feel

Adam Bailey has a a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He’s also a teacher of Alexander Technique. In an interview with Robert Rickover, Adam says: “The Alexander Technique involves a learning process. When … Continue reading

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Who Was F.M. Alexander?

A student of Alexander Technique writes: “…I’m left with the impression of Alexander as someone who’s so afraid? Afraid of attachment, afraid of people stealing his ideas (because without them, what would he be?), afraid of being wrong, afraid of … Continue reading

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How To Sit Comfortably

Ann Rodiger is an Alexander Technique teacher in New York City and the author of How to Sit Your Body at Work: A guide to sitting at your workstation based on the Alexander Technique. Robert Rickover interviews her. Robert: “A … Continue reading

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How Alexander Technique Can Improve Your Yoga Practice

Alexander Technique teacher Robert Rickover interviews fellow A.T. teacher and yoga instructor Thomas Cook, a resident of Vienna. Thomas: “People who live without furniture tend not to have back trouble.” “The hands of an Alexander teacher bring the awareness of … Continue reading

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