Monthly Archives: August 2011

Expanding Into Life – Differences Between Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Massage And Alexander Technique

Judy Stern is a Physical Therapist and Alexander Technique teacher in Rye, New York. She talks with Robert Rickover about the connections between Physical Therapy and the Alexander Technique. Judy: “I spent the first 18 years of my professional life … Continue reading

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Learning To Exercise More Efficiently And Safely

Robert Rickover talks with Malcolm Balk, an Alexander Technique teacher and author in Montreal, Canada. I interviewed Malcolm a few months ago after taking one of his running workshops. Malcolm: “Alexander Technique is a method of becoming aware of unnecessary … Continue reading

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How Is Alexander Technique Different From Feldenkrais, Physical Therapy, Tai Chi, Yoga?

Ari Gil has been teaching Alexander Technique for 30 years. Ari tells Robert Rickover: “Let me give the example of a runner who’s calling me because of a knee problem. He’s tried physical therapy. He’s done some acupuncture. He tried … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique Teacher Michael Ostrow Profiled In The New York Times

From the New York Times: Improvements: My posture improved. And my piano playing. I trained as a classical pianist when I was younger; my shoulders were always killing me. When I get out of bed in the morning now, at … Continue reading

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Physical Therapy And The Alexander Technique

John Macy is an Alexander Technique teacher, Physical Therapist and Pilates instructor in Omaha, Nebraska. He talks with Robert Rickover about the relationship of the Technique to Physical Therapy. Robert: [With Alexander Technique], it sounds like a lot of thinking … Continue reading

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