Monthly Archives: June 2011

Rabbi Daniel Korobkin Leaving Town

I believe the rabbi was recruited a year ago by Yeshiva University to apply for this post. It’s a major congregation in Toronto (more than 700 families). I got this email: Dear Friends, Rabbi Daniel and Karen Korobkin have been … Continue reading

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Why Is Mark Halperin Apologizing To The President For Calling Him A Dick?

There’s nothing wrong with calling the president a dick (except that such language is inappropriate on a news show). The president was a tool at his press conference yesterday. I don’t sympathize with this American tendency to automatically treat their … Continue reading

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Breast Reduction Boosted Her Career But Did Not Bring Her Happiness

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager read aloud this headline. “I’ve gotta read that. That fascinates me. It did help her career? If you have never looked at the Daily Mail in England, we do every day because they … Continue reading

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Judaism Is Difficult, No Point In Watering It Down

Things should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler said Einstein. Donniel Hartman writes: Herein lays the new Catch-22 of contemporary Jewish life: In order to reach the numbers we need, we have to dumb down our message … Continue reading

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Puerto Rico’s Cultural Contributions

Watch the whole show.

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