Monthly Archives: May 2011

Tony Kushner Is No Mere Critic Of Israel

Jason Maoz writes: From the reaction of many on the liberal/left to the controversy over CUNY’s granting an honorary degree to playwright Tony Kushner, one sees yet again just how unremarkable and acceptible the most virulent views of Israel have … Continue reading

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Mortgage Interest Rates Hit 2011 Lows

The bewildering world of lower mortgage interest rates and falling home sales and prices: Why Are Home Sales Falling With Mortgage Rates? Forcing Banks To Keep A Skin In The Game Of Mortgage Lending ARMs Looking Better Than Ever Foreclosures … Continue reading

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Beliefs Are Unnecessary Muscle Tension


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Suggestions For Torah Talk

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke and Rabbs, You guys obviously are attempting to enter a new phase with your show. Apparently you are now even starting to explore the possibilities of making money. A couple of things have occurred to … Continue reading

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No More CFS?

I could be wrong. I could be humiliated any day now with a crushing relapse. I’ve had these experiences before where I thought my CFS was no more and then I just got crushed for weeks on end. Despite this, … Continue reading

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