Monthly Archives: May 2011

Orthodox Judaism In The Post-Modern World

I often get asked why I don’t always speak and behave in accord with Orthodox Judaism. With Orthodox Jews, I just say, “I’m not there yet.” With the goyim, I never answer by watering down Orthodox Judaism and pretending that … Continue reading

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I’ve Never Dated An Orthodox Girl

I don’t fear so often these days that I’m losing control. Therapy is calming. I can bounce my life off someone sharp and get greater clarity. It also gives me accountability. My therapist names things I’m going through such as … Continue reading

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Orthodox Brides & the Royal Wedding; Fatah-Hamas Deal & Bin Laden Fans in Gaza

Click here to watch in High Definition (HD)

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Advice To Potential Converts To Orthodox Judaism

I find myself talking a lot to people interested in converting to Orthodox Judaism. Here’s some advice: * There are more than five Orthodox Jewish law courts (Batei Din) in Los Angeles that do conversions — including the RCC (the … Continue reading

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Simon Wiesenthal Center Honors Tom Cruise Tonight

Yesterday afternoon, I got a phone call from the news department at a Los Angeles TV station. They were interested in reporting on the Tom Cruise dinner tonight but only if they could get a representative from a major Jewish … Continue reading

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