Monthly Archives: May 2011

I Love My CPAP Machine

More than anything, I think my CPAP machine has dramatically improved my life over the past three months. A doctor prescribed it to me to help with my sleep apnea (which I only discovered at the end of 2010). I’m … Continue reading

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The Free World By David Bezmogis

I’m halfway through this acclaimed new novel and I’ve yet to encounter a character I give a damn about. Perhaps there are just too many people in the book for me to track.

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I Love 12-Step Programs

In the past, I’ve often made fun of 12-step programs because I don’t believe that addiction is a medical illness as much as a failure of moral will. But after some first-hand experience, I’ve come to think that everybody should … Continue reading

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I Show Up In The Scientology Files

Here’s a January 2009 interview I did with author Mark Ebner. From It’s like the opening of the Stasi files after the Berlin Wall fell: Yesterday, Scientology defector Marty Rathbun published the cult’s surveillance file on Washington Post reporter … Continue reading

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Problems In Modern Orthodoxy

Gadi Pickholz emails: In Baltimore, the Rambam Academy has closed completely. In Phoenix, the two major modern orthodox schools have merged. In the Silicon Valley, one of the main schools has closed. Even in LA there are serious problems necessitating … Continue reading

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