Monthly Archives: December 2010

Torah Talk Bingo

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and YouTube. This week’s parsha is Vayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26). Mahla posts to FB: I would like to propose a ridiculous game. This … Continue reading

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Why Are The Democrats In Open Revolt About Obama’s Tax Compromise?

On his radio show Friday, Dennis Prager said: “Why would they do this? We’ve never had a president to the left of Barack Obama. So why would the left of the Democrats object to this deal? Because what they care … Continue reading

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The Individual’s Right To Choose

For the left, the individual’s right to choose an abortion is sacrosanct. But what about the individual’s right to choose in other matters? What if a Jew only wants to rent his apartment to a Jew? What if an employer … Continue reading

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What Does a Girl Have To Do These Days To Get Dumped?

Tamara Shayne Kagel blogs: Here’s the scenario. You meet someone you think you could like. You’ve hung out three or four times, maybe a few dates and then meeting up with his friends for drinks. You start to think you … Continue reading

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Orthodox Couple Sues For Sheitel Damage

Frum couple sues on people court for shaitel damage, Total Chillul Hashem? You be the judge. In a daytime TV show called The Peoples Court a Jewish couple, identified only as Heidi and Mendi, appeared before Judge Marilyn Milian in … Continue reading

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