Monthly Archives: December 2010

How Does A Yeshiva Boy Miss Christmas?

Dennis Prager writes for the Jewish Journal: When I was 20, I spent my junior year in college in England. When classes let out for the last two weeks of December, I traveled to Morocco, where something life-changing occurred. What … Continue reading

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Do You Want To Know The Identity Of The Anti-Christ?

Wanting to make some money, I’ve been browsing’s array of information products to sell. I checked out “Politics & Current Events” and the following are the best selling items (most popular first): * Do your customers want the truth … Continue reading

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Predicting A Person By His Choice Of Spouse

Instapundit says about CA Governor Arnold: “You could have predicted this [fiscal irresponsibility and shift left] just from knowing that Arnold was married to Maria Shriver. If you want to know whether a male Republican politician is likely to go … Continue reading

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How Does A Man Become Admirable?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager noted: “There are women who are afflicted with the need to tear down whoever is in their lives, including a good man.” Damn, I’ve dated a few of those! Dennis: “A man needs … Continue reading

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The Rabbi Rabbs 2011 Calendar

I’ve been having a hard time coming up with the perfect winter solstice gift for the cute little goyim in my life. Then it hit me – the Rabbi Rabbs 2011 calendar. Many people — Jews and goyim — are … Continue reading

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