Daily Archives: August 31, 2010

Rabbi Rabbs Banned From Pico Kosher Deli

Watch the whole Torah talk.

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The Ten Commandments Of Chabad Jews

Watch the whole Torah talk. Rabbi Rabbs goes off on the Ten Commandments of Chabad Jews (I love Chabad and Aish HaTorah, but I enjoy hearing Rabbs’ rant): * You shall accept the Rebbe into your heart as your personal … Continue reading

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Friends In Trouble

Rodger Jacobs writes for the Las Vegas Sun: As I write this, taking a brief late night respite from packing books into boxes, I am just days away from an uncertain future, a Black Tuesday when the Sword of Damocles … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jewish Boxer Fights Tomorrow; Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks

Click here to watch in High Definition (HD)

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