Daily Archives: August 20, 2010

Jack Roth’s Book Store RIP

In A 1995 lecture on Exodus 7, Dennis Prager: “A real loss to Los Angeles Jewry took place when Jack Roth’s book store closed. It was a blow. It was the best Jewish book store perhaps in the world, and … Continue reading

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What Do Secular Jews Have In Common?

In a 1995 lecture on Exodus 6, Dennis Prager says: I have more in common with a Falashan Jew in Ethiopia with whom I can’t correspond than I do with a secular Jew in LA. Torah is what makes us … Continue reading

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Ohr Somayach’s hatred even of Modern Orthodox rabbis

David Kelsey emails: “You idiot! You moron. You katan. You cow. You idiot!” This is how Rabbi Orlofsky, a former NCSY leader and “kiruv professional” talks to his students at Ohr Somayach about Rabbi Weinreb, a scholar and a gentleman, … Continue reading

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