Monthly Archives: April 2010

Prager Was Right

I was listening to Dennis Prager yesterday interview William Bennett. Like tens of thousands of conservatives, Bennett expected that Barack Obama would govern as a political moderate. Dennis Prager predicted he would govern as a leftist. Prager was right. I … Continue reading

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Afraid To Upset Oprah

Margo Howard writes: The second thing you need to know about this book is that most of the kingpin interviewers in the mainstream media were astonishingly up front about saying they would not help Kitty promote her book because they … Continue reading

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Orthodox Bludgers

Elliot Resnick writes an important Op/Ed in this week’s Jewish Press: Acquaintances of mine have told me point-blank – without a trace of embarrassment in their voices – that they live in Section 8 housing and buy groceries with food … Continue reading

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Saving The Single Woman

I think most women grow up believing that a man will come along who will take care of the big stuff for them — the mortgage, the primary income, protection, taking care of the cars, etc. As Dennis Prager says, … Continue reading

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I Understand Suicide Bombers

I have no trouble understanding the suicide bomber. Hmm, maybe I am one, a suicide bomber of the soul? People who blow themselves up don’t do it out of hatred for their enemy so much as to achieve status within … Continue reading

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