Daily Archives: February 18, 2010

I’m Tired Of All These Public Outpourings Of Sensitivity To Gay Orthodox Jews

Why should gay Orthodox Jews get any more compassion than any other group within Orthodoxy who chooses to publicly deviate from their religion and simultaneously seek acceptance from it? Judaism unambiguously says that is it not allowed to have sex … Continue reading

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Homosexuality And Orthodox Judaism

From my coverage of this past weekend’s LimmudLA: Sunday. Feb. 14, 2010. 4 p.m. Judaism and Homosexuality: An Orthodox Conversation Many assume that Orthodox leaders are uniformly unwelcoming of gays and lesbians, but Orthodox communities are far from monolithic. Join … Continue reading

Posted in Bnai David-Judea, Homosexuality, Limmud, R. Yosef Kanefsky | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Homosexuality And Orthodox Judaism

Frum Satire At Pacific Jewish Center

PJC’s rabbi Eliyahu Fink blogs: Heshy Fried aka Frum Satire performed in front of a very diverse crowd of ~60 at the Pacific Jewish Center at the Shul on the Beach on Sunday February 14 2010 and it was incredible. … Continue reading

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