Monthly Archives: January 2010

American Airline Security Checkers Seem As Dumb As Rocks

I always feel like I’m rubbing up against the bottom of America’s barrel when I go through security checks at an American airports. The people doing them appear bored and incompetent. They appear a lot dumber than any of their … Continue reading

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Failed Messiah Profiled

Samuel G. Freedman writes in the New York Times: Leaders of the Chabad movement declined to speak on the record about Mr. Rosenberg, but in general, they say he has exaggerated the degree of messianism in the movement and that … Continue reading

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Jewish Women Are Hot

From Details Magazine: In a recent poll on the porn blog Fleshbot, “Jewish girls” ranked second among kinks (the winner: “freckles”). Jewesses aren’t just the rage in the triple-X realm, either: They’re seducing goyim on Mad Men and Glee and … Continue reading

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Climate Change Vs. Global Warming

On hour one of his radio show today, Dennis Prager read a snide letter reproving Dennis for talking about “global warming” instead of “climate change.” Dennis: The mental gymnastic that those of you who continue to believe that carbon dioxide … Continue reading

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Is Yoga Idol-Worship?


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