Monthly Archives: November 2009

Israeli Swimsuit Models and Jewish-Catholic Relations After Vatican II: This Week’s TJC Newscast

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Michael Jackson’s Dermatologist Publishing Shocker Book

Dr. Arnold Klein has a book coming out on Michael Jackson. It reports that Michael Jackson had a homosexual affair with Dr. Klein’s office manager. It also reveals the truth about Michael Jackson’s skin disease which made him look pale. … Continue reading

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Acting Out Of Fear

"You like me because I’m safe," I said. "You can safely feel contempt for me because I look chareidi but don’t act chareidi. You can have contempt for my Judaism, and yet be secure that I adore you, that my … Continue reading

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Judge Denies Rubashkin Bail Bid

The Des Moines Register reports:   A federal judge has denied Sholom Rubashkin’s request to be released on bail until he is sentenced on 86 financial fraud convictions. Chief Judge Linda Reade ruled that Rubashkin, the former vice president of Agriprocessors, … Continue reading

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Modesty In Blogging

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Regarding tzeni’us, however, I find the question perceptive. Tzeni’us is not just about how much skin a woman is showing. As R. Jack Abramowitz writes, in his recently published The Tzniyus Book (pp. 19-20): Literally, tzniyus … Continue reading

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