Daily Archives: November 30, 2009

How Did Kashrut Become So Sexy?

Twenty years ago, if you met a mashgiach, you assumed he was not smart enough to be a rabbi. Working in kashrut certification was a low-paying, unprestigious job. Now it is a power center. It is a money-maker. The RCC … Continue reading

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Pico-Robertson Update

Real estate values of the average Pico-Robertson home are down about 25% from the peak in 2006. Prime Beverlywood property is holding up well. Rents are under pressure. Vacancies are up even though the population hasn’t declined. Rents are down … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Orthodox Union, Pico/Robertson, RCC | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Pico-Robertson Update

Lakewood Changes The Way It Deals With Molestation

These links are from Hirhurim: Lakewood changes how it deals with molestation: link Jewish convert comedian: link R. Stephen Pruzansky on Left Wing Modern Orthodox rabbis: link Note the second yahrtzeit — that’s the controversial R. Azariah De Rossi!: link … Continue reading

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