Daily Archives: November 19, 2009

Feds Dismiss Immigration Charges Against Sholom Rubashkin

The Des Moines Register reports: Federal prosecutors dismissed all immigration charges against former Postville [Iowa] meat plant manager Sholom Rubashkin today, one week after a South Dakota jury convicted him of 86 business-fraud charges. The decision spares Rubashkin a second … Continue reading

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Worried Pimp Calls Off Rabbi’s Orgy

From the Times of London: An eminent rabbi was so exhausted after three days of constant cocaine-fuelled partying with escorts that his pimp grew worried and cancelled that day’s supply of girls, a jury was told. Rabbi Baruch Chalomish, 55, … Continue reading

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Fort Hood Massacre

The New York Times reports:  WASHINGTON — A Senate committee on Thursday opened the first public hearings into the Fort Hood shootings, with several legislators asserting that the incident in which 13 people were killed was a terrorist attack by … Continue reading

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A Sweet Screw-You

Dennis Prager called Artur Davis’s comments "as sweet a screw-you as I’ve ever read." "We have to remember that line. That’s precious." From CBSnews.com: Democratic Rep. Artur Davis is the the only African American in Congress representing Alabama, and he … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Says New Mammogram Guidelines Are A Taste Of Obamacare

Dennis Prager opened his radio show today: "This latest announcement that women should not get mammograms until they are 50 is a telling statement of what is in store for you if the House and Senate bills are paid. "Do … Continue reading

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