Daily Archives: November 24, 2009

Will The United States Survive Barack Obama?

I see that Barack Obama bowed to the dictator of China. That makes me feel proud. Dennis Prager said on his radio show today: "The sense of worry that many Americans have right now about the United States is the … Continue reading

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When The Man Left Zambia, The Natives Started Buggering Each Other To Death

When the British ran the country that became Zambia, the natives had an average life expectancy of around 65 years. Since they’ve taken charge of their own affairs, their standard of living has halved along with their life expectancy. As … Continue reading

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Do We Need An Exit Strategy In Afghanistan?

Dennis Prager said on his radio show today: I thought if Afghanistan was the good war? I don’t care that 48% of Americans want to leave. What will happen if we leave? The notion that we need an exit strategy. … Continue reading

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In A Relationship

I was just checking out the Facebook profile of my predominantly hetero friend Joey Kurtzman who’s in India. I saw that he was "In a relationship" with his mate David. I love that. I immediately changed my status to "In … Continue reading

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Black America’s Attachment To Barack Obama

Dennis Prager did his radio show today from Zambia. He notes that a new poll shows that only 19% of Americans believe Obama that healthcare reform won’t add to the federal budget deficit. "The man is so far left that … Continue reading

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