Monthly Archives: November 2009

Becoming Jewish Three Times

I used to go to Ohr HaTorah with this guy. We reconnected at the first LimmudLA in February 2008. He lives in Jerusalem and looks chareidi. He’s the most genial guy, funny, and easy to talk to. Yes, most Orthodox … Continue reading

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Keeping It Dry

On his radio show Wednesday from Zambia, Dennis Prager said that many women in Africa have the practice of buying a certain product to keep themselves dry during sex, thinking that the increased friction will result in more pleasure for … Continue reading

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Erotic Dream Girls

(L-R) Holly Randall, Larry Flynt, Theresa Flynt & Suze Randall Here’s Larry after the facelift: On December 3, Hustler Hollywood is celebrating its 11th year bringing quality products to the adventurous and sexually charged on the wild Sunset Strip. Revered … Continue reading

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Luke Is Like Moldy Bread

Chaim Amalek emails: I’ve just run out of things to say regarding Luke. The topic is like watching bread grow mold. At this point, what counts is that he be content living the life he lives, etc. Nothing more is … Continue reading

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The Jewish Federation Of Los Angeles Chose To Base Its Hunger Campaign On A Lie

For the past few months, the Jewish Federation has campaigned around Los Angeles that one out of eight people in the city are hungry. It’s a big fat lie, but that hasn’t stopped synagogues, including Orthodox ones, from embracing the … Continue reading

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