Daily Archives: October 15, 2009

Jewish News

From Hirhurim: NY Times editorial against religious-oriented programs receiving federal money being allowed to hire and fire on religious grounds: link Shalem Center to open Israel’s liberal arts college: link The Forward doesn’t like Eli Wiesel’s book on Rashi: link … Continue reading

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A Comic Book History Of Israel

Rabbi Gil Student writes: There is a new graphic novel about the history of the State of Israel titled Homeland: The Illustrated History of the State of Israel. The term "graphic novel" might make you think of a fancy comic … Continue reading

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Al Sharpton: Pointing the Finger at Teen Violence (L.A. Sentinel 10-8)

Rabbi Nachum Shifren (Rabbi for Senate.com) emails: I am about to say what many are thinking, but can’t or won’t express: When’s the last time you’ve talked to your teacher about what’s REALLY going down in our schools? Those of … Continue reading

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Violinist Lior Kaminetsky Tours South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia

Visit his website at LiorViolin.com. We did this interview via email: How did this tour come about? I was sent by the ‘Soul Train’ Israeli organization. It sends Israeli artists to bring Judaism and Israel through art to small and … Continue reading

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