Jewish News

From Hirhurim:

  • NY Times editorial against religious-oriented programs receiving federal money being allowed to hire and fire on religious grounds: link
  • Shalem Center to open Israel’s liberal arts college: link
  • The Forward doesn’t like Eli Wiesel’s book on Rashi: link
  • R. J. Simcha Cohen in last week’s Jewish Press about women being called to the Torah: link
  • Cardozo student sponsors non-kosher food: link
  • Jewish Press Media Monitor’s list of recommended websites and blogs (which includes this Hirhurim): link
  • R. Yisrael Meir Lau becomes new President of Talmudic Encyclopedia: link
  • New FTC rules for bloggers: link
  • SALT today: link
  • Lakewood has highest birthrate in NJ: link

Rabbi Student writes about fundamental beliefs in Jewish law. Skeptic responds: I notice that the 6 you list are not really the controversial ones, unlike say the letter-accuracy of the Torah, the nature of the belief in the messiah, resurrection of the dead, or even reward and punishment. So I’m not really sure how strong a claim you are making when you say "This is wrong". It sounds like you are attacking a straw man. It’s the things besides the six you list which are in dispute, and as you well know via either Kellner’s or Shapiro’s books, there is serious and long-standing disagreement about a number of them.

MYCROFT POSTS: There is no clearly accepted agreement of what beliefs must be accepted-it is more that one must accept the haalchik system. Of course, implicit is clearly that there is a God, God revealed the Torah, God is a just God. There is some sort of system of reward and punishment. But clearly many of those sung in the catechism of Yigdal are not universally accepted. Of course, I believe it is the Rav who stated that we don’t sing cathechisms.

TZVEE POSTS: Is there a lab test administered in the synagogue to check to verify that a Jew really believes these things?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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