Daily Archives: August 24, 2009

Bored In Shul?

Erica Brown writes for The Jewish Week: Bored in synagogue? Bored in Hebrew school? Bored of the same old brisket?” The High Holy Days are fast approaching, and for many people the thought of spending meaningless, marathon hours in a … Continue reading

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When Chabad Goes Too Far

Nachum Lamm posts on Facebook: I got on a plane from Israel some time back and sat down next to a kid with tefillin on- it was about 10:30 AM. His mother (sitting between us) explained that he would be … Continue reading

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Skeptic Magazine Says Denial Of Evolution Is Characteristic Of Orthodox Education

I dated a girl who graduated from Ramaz. Now 40, bisexual, and never married, she loathed Orthodox Judaism. I asked her why. She said because it was aesthetically ugly, that Orthodox Jews smell bad (particularly on holy days when they … Continue reading

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Rating Religious Education In Jewish Schools

Most(?) Orthodox schools have classes on Sunday. Shalhevet does not have classes on Sunday. That’s something that Jerry Friedman, the founder, never wanted. I don’t expect there’s any enthusiasm for Sunday schooling among the parents who send their children to … Continue reading

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